What world do you envision?

Companies with strong visions can change the world.

Tourism can and should be a force for local development and is a powerful tool for cross-cultural understanding.

Talent is equally distributed but opportunities are not. Everyone should get equal opportunities in life no matter the place they are born. 

Quality health care is not something that should be a privilege. It should be a right. Make the quality health care services accessible and affordable to low income people living in urban and remote areas. 

Credit is the last hope left to those faced with absolute poverty. The right to credit should be recognized as a fundamental human right.


Justice and sustainable development should be at the heart of trade and business.  We can enable producers and artisans in poor countries to improve their livelihoods and communities through their work.


Empowering people to assume active roles to face and resolve global challenges is crucial towards building a more inclusive and peaceful world. 

There is a world of opportunity to rethink and redesign the way we make and use stuff. Designing waste out of the system will help protect and restore a durable use of the resources on Earth and decouple economic growth from resource constraints. 

Education helps individuals escape poverty by developing the skills they need to improve their livelihoods. Everyone should be able to access to free education. 

Investors should invest in enterprises with long term positive impact on the society and the environment rather than only look for short term returns. 

What YOU can do

Get inspired on how to:

Consume Responsibly

Make a Difference While Traveling

Contribute Financially

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What WE can do 

For Enterprises:

Learning Experiences (Online / Offline)
Inspiring Content
Sourcing & Monitoring 

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